I learned about Estrid on Instagram. They reached out to me about their brand and products. I got to try out their razors, and I want nothing else since. Their razors change the game.
I have very sensitive skin, and it gets irritated quickly. Therefore shaving has always been a struggle. My skin just hated it. I tried out so many different razors, creams, foams and shavers. I also tried out different methods, like shaving on dry skin and shaving while showering. For me, the best way was shaving while showering with a razor and a fragrance-free body wash. But still, my skin could get irritated.
This was until ESTRID.
The shape of the razors is perfection, and the blades are super sharp in a good way. What I want to say is, the blades are sharp, but in a way, you don't cut yourself quickly. I wouldn't say I liked that about new razors.
A fresh and new one is always great because it gets the job done, but I always cut myself a few times when I use a fresh blade. With Estrids razors, I didn't, not even once.
Besides that, I always seem to miss spots. Do you know the feeling when you have your me-time moment, got everything done, shaving, skincare, hair treatment etc. but then when your showered and put on your body lotion, you feel some strokes of hair? I get frustrated while typing this. I know you now think you didn't shave properly. You just missed a spot, and I would say yes, that has been the case a few times without a doubt. But after shaving with Estrid, I didn't find any hair on my legs anymore. My skin was so soft, smooth and glowy, and I didn't get irritated.
My overall experience with ESTRID is amazing. I'm a big fan of the brand and, from now on, a subscriber. It's easy, get's the job done, doesn't get my skin irritated and gives me baby skin after. Try it out yourself (Estrid Starterkit) and let me know what you think.